Thrifty Online Check In

At Thrifty, we’re always working hard to make your car rental experience as smooth and quick as possible. That’s why we’re excited to launch our new Online Check-In system that makes car rental easier than ever before, meaning less time going through vehicle collection at location and more time for your next adventure! 

The Thrifty Online Check-In Process

Step 1
Ensure you have your driver’s licence and credit card handy and are on a mobile device
Step 2
Enter your Thrifty Reservation Number, Surname & Driver’s Licence number
Step 3
Verify your credit card details
Step 4
Submit a photo of your driver’s licence to verify
Step 5
Take a short video selfie to verify your identity
So how does Thrifty Online Check In work?

Thrifty Online Check-In is super easy to use, plus you can do it in the comfort of your own home or on the go – you decide! Simply verify your driver’s licence and payment details before you arrive at the Thrifty counter for a speedier process picking up your car.

Once you have made your car rental booking, your confirmation email will now include details on how to complete the Thrifty Online ID verification process.

Before you start the Thrifty Online ID verification process make sure you have your smartphone, drivers license and credit card handy. When prompted, use your smartphone to complete key information fields and verify your identity – it’s that easy!

Thrifty Online Check In is now rolling out across Australia.

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